Hello Darlings!

Welcome to my new food blog! Blood, Sweat, and Butter is an ode to my trials and tribulations as a student fresh out of culinary school. It is also an extension of my pleasures and aesthetics of food combined with occasional restaurant commentaries.

Today I begin my journey as a food blogger. This has been long over-due, I’ve been told, but better late than never. Before creating this I researched some of the world’s best food blogs featuring whimsical recipes with mouth-watering pictures. This concerned me as a first time food blogger because I haven’t ventured very far in my food escapades nor am I a  practicing journalist. Those things aside, all I know is that I love food; food makes me happy, thus, the birth of this blog. I consider eating to be one of life’s greatest indulgences. So indulge a little!

I want to keep this blog as a reminder to myself that food truly is my passion. Whether it’s as simple as grape jelly on buttered toast or as complex as beef carpaccio with crushed Himalayan truffles… I stay hungry to stay happy. Eating is an experience for the senses. It has the ability to generate memories, overlapping flavors with the old and the new. Food can motivate, captivate and inspire. Food can also transport you to any corner of the world if you let it: Asia, Russia, Czechoslovakia, YOU NAME IT! So stay hungry! You never know what or where your next meal will bring you.

– M

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